Civil Match: Open Call for the civil-society actors to find international partners and scale the impact
Сivil Match is an online networking event that will bring together representatives of the national community from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Ukraine, Russia and France. One of the organizers of networking is the EENCE network.
Civil-society actors are invited to take part in a 2 stage program:
- Civil Match (24-26 July 2020) – 2,5-days intense networking, to find partners and implement cross-border impactful projects;
- Civil Match Forum (21-24 September 2020) – 4-days, an opportunity to get funds for the cross-border projects.
The four main topics of the Civil Match and the following Civil Match Forum are Pluralism and Media, Culture and Youth, Educational Training Measures, and Conflict Resolution.
Foundations, media, (youth) associations, institutions of higher education and culture professionals, and other non-governmental organizations will connect and work online, proving that effective collaboration could be established even in the times of closed borders.
The aim of the Civil Match is to create an intense environment to foster collaboration, incubate ideas, support the development of new impactful projects, and focus on effective international partnerships for the civil-society actors.
Сivil Match is organized to enhance social cohesion and the establishment of civil-society structures and to promote the principles of a fundamentally free, democratic and pluralist order, thus fostering peaceful coexistence among nations in Europe.
Сivil Match is a great opportunity to find one or more partners from other countries for participating in the Civil Match Forum,receive support to develop project ideas together and get ready to apply for the Federal Foreign Office (FFO) funds.
Categoriesof the Сivil Match orient themselves on the call by the Federal Foreign Office:
- Strengthening pluralism – establishing and furthering pluralism of information, opinion and the media (Pluralism and Media)
- Promoting the discussion of values – strengthening values through civil-society dialogue and cultural measures (Culture and Youth)
- Opening up prospects for the future – academic, professional and socio-political training and further training measures (Educational Training Measures)
- Fostering dialogue and understanding – rebuilding trust lost as a result of territorial conflicts (Conflict Resolution)

During the Civil Match regional civil-society actors will leap at the chance to win a 1000 Euro Cooperation Prize in each category, generate cross-border civil society projects for the Civil Match Forum, and get ready to apply for FFO Program. Along with winning the prizes, all the participants will benefit in many other ways:
- Meet colleagues from 10 countries to discuss civil challenges globally and locally
- Match with the right partners for the international collaborative projects
- Get to know success stories of cross-border projects and the effective cross-cultural communication
- Build long-term international partnerships based on trust and friendship
- Connect with the donor organizations and learn the latest updates on grant applications on cross-border civil projects
- Increase your chances to take part in the Civil Match Forum and get the funding for cross-border impactful projects implementation from the German Federal Foreign Office
Civil Match is a program initiated by Goethe-Institut Ukraine. It is a cooperation project among Goethe-Institut, Insha Osvita, WECHANGE, and the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education. It is funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.
To join interactive networking and matchmaking sessions with civil-society actors from 10 countries, find a match and get Cooperation Grants, fill in the Application Form
Deadline: 22 July 2020
To develop your cross-border cooperation project idea and prepare to receive funding for its implementation.
Applications will be open after the Civil Match.
More information: