Gender, Media and Society
This is the name of the project of the Working Group “Women in Local Communities”, the implementation of which begins in June as part of the EENCE Network.

The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge and skills of network members in the areas of gender-sensitive journalism, gender equality, citizen journalism.
The project will discuss the following topics:
- the general concept of gender in terms of critical thinkingгендерные стереотипы и гендерное насилие в СМИ
- image of a woman in the media
- gender issues in advertising (including media, magazines, online blogs, TV shows, social networks)
- gender-based violence
- gender sensitivity and media literacy
- gender sensitive journalism
Project activities will be held online.
The “products” developed in the framework of the project (trainings, courses and other events) will be presented during the EENCE Civiс Education Week.
Tatyana Kuznetsova (Ukraine) and Ani Kojoyan (Armenia) will work as trainers under the project.
Tatyana Kuznetsova is the dean of the faculty of journalism at the Odessa University of «Law National University», as well as the chairman of the board of the Youth Center for Effective Communications.
Ani Kojoyan is a specialist in gender and women’s studies. Collaborates with International Gender Studies Center, University of Oxford. She is one of the trainers of the NGO “Youth is Power” (conducts trainings on human rights, women’s rights, gender equality). She is a lecturer at Yerevan National University, is a national expert on gender mainstreaming in education.

The course will be conducted in two languages: English and Russian.
For more information, please contact Narine Teknejyan, Coordinator of the Working Group (

Network Working Group projects are supported by the Federal Agency for Citizenchip Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.