EENCE Citizenship Education Week: We’re starting!
One hundred and forty-three events in seven countries are announced in the Citizenship Education Week program, which will be held from 5 to 11 October under the auspices of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE). The events of the Week will be held both offline and online. Follow our program and participate in the events of the Week!
The program of the Week will begin at 10.00 on October 5 with a seminar on information security and media literacy in the small town of Martuni (Armenia).
Another 18 events will be held on this day in different cities of Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.
One of the key events of the first day of the Week will be an online discussion on the situation in Belarus and challenges for civil society, which will start at 18.00 (EET).
The meeting is held online (ZOOM) in Russian with simultaneous translation into English.
Live Stream:
To participate in the discussion, follow the link
You can get acquainted with all the events in detail and sign up for participation in some online events on the Program of the Week page on our website.