Strengthening citizenship and human rights education in time of crises and war
EENCE experts, coming from EaP countries, gathered in Georgia (October, 2022) to discuss the current challenges regarding citizenship and human rights education and developed a pack of recommendations for educators.
During the meeting, 35 educators who constantly face misinformation and distortions of facts in the workplace developed a work plan on how to counter these processes and support their colleagues by sharing different teaching tools and strategies.
The programme of meeting included: introduction of CE in formal sector – visit in Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, visits in city and village public schools and discovering activities led by youth, a moderated round table following with the public event – how to teach CE during wars and crises.
As an closing event the EENCE experts attended The Best Teacher Prize of Georgia 2022 event.
The project philosophy is based on the powerful approach to Civic Education in general, and citizenship and EDC/HRE competencies framework in particular, that can empower people to recover from crises and transform their communities into peaceful and sustainable societies.
The meeting has been funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office, Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia (Eastern Partnership Programme).