EENCE-Dialogue: seeking innovative solutions for those fleeing war
This was the leitmotif repeatedly echoed during another EENCE-Dialogue online discussion on 11 October.
The discussion brought together experts to discuss the new challenges for Europe in light of the conflicts and refugee crises taking place at its borders.
Malvina Talik examined Europe’s response to war, focusing on the reception of refugees from Ukraine and the wider migration discourse since 2015.

Markus Howe highlighted the different reactions to the war in Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe, showing examples from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Serbia.

Nazarii Boiarskyi shared his experience of working with displaced persons and implementing civic education programmes, offering practical recommendations on conducting educational activities for migrants.

The panellists stressed the need for continued dialogue, cooperation and, most importantly, innovative solutions to support those who have been forced to flee their countries due to wars and political crises.
The panellists also stressed the importance of recognising the human stories behind statistics and headlines and the need for a more compassionate and understanding approach to meeting the needs of refugees and migrants.
They called for greater solidarity and co-operation among European countries to respond effectively to the crisis and ensure the protection of human rights for all those affected.
EENCE Dialogue is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) with funds from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.