Excel and Elevate! – Submit your master class as a part of the new EENCE initiative
The new EENCE initiative “Excel and Elevate!” is launching a series of master classes on topics that are highly demanded&popular and can be taught quickly (up to 60 minutes) with proven tools and engagement of internal and external Experts.
Throughout July and August, within the framework of the above initiative, 8 online master classes will be held aimed at improving the skills of our Network members in the field of Citizenship Education and not only.
Both the members of our Network and external experts can apply for conducting a master class.
The selection process of experts will be carried out by EENCE Coordination Council on a competitive basis. There is an honorarium for each master class.
The key selection criteria are: the topic of the master class should be pertinent and unique, related to Citizenship Education; the applicants should have experience of conducting an online training and provide a clear description of the expected results (changes in knowledge, skills, and attitude).
The deadline of applying for a master class is June 15th.
The schedule of all master classes will be available to EENCE members no later than on June 20th.