What is effective leadership?
The next master class within the framework of the Excel and Elevate program was held on September 21 by Piotr Kendzerski (Society “Innovatorium”, Poland).
– The main question that needs to be asked before studying the topic is why an effective leader is needed? – says Peter. – He inspires people to develop. Leaders with unshakable moral and ethical values lead the best companies. They control her vision, lead the team.
Working with an ineffective leader is a problem that can lead to organizational chaos and complete collapse of the organization.
At the human level, an ineffective leader demoralizes and demotivates and, in the end, reduces productivity and the ability to achieve goals.
While the importance of effective leadership is undeniable, we must ask ourselves – what does this mean?
What are the most important qualities of an effective leader? Can anyone learn how to become an effective leader, and if so, how?
See the new release of the Excel and Elevate project!
The participants of the master class learned about the differences between the concept of “leader” and “manager”, tried to understand whether it is possible to become a leader without innate leadership qualities, and also heard advice on how to become a more effective leader.
The project Excel and Elevate is supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.
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Practices of working with online tools in educational, educational, and communication projects