Civil Education for Forced Migrants
Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education is conducting a research survey. The organisers of the research hope to contribute to making civic education programmes more diverse, inclusive and responsive to today’s challenges.
This research aims to improve the quality and inclusiveness of civic education for internally displaced persons/refugees by identifying their priority educational needs and discussing the development of civic education programmes to satisfy these needs.
You are invited to contribute to the development of civic education by participating in the research.
We invite people who have experience of organising and/or delivering educational activities in both formal and non-formal education.
The questionnaire will take 15-20 minutes to complete.
The questionnaire is anonymous – the data will only be used in summary form (diagrams, tables, etc.) and will be presented on the website of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education.
To take part in the research, you have to complete a questionnaire by 20 December 2022.
Questionnaire in Russian:
Questionnaire in English:
The researchers would be grateful if you could distribute the questionnaire to your colleagues and stakeholders.
The research is part of a project supported by the Federal Agency for Citizenship Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / bpb) with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office.
We appreciate your time and offer a small bonus for completing the questionnaire – recording of the online meetings of the project “The response of citizenship education to the challenges of forced migration”.