EENCE Network agreed on the preliminary dates and locations of the Caravan 2023
First Caravan events will start in the middle of August, and final ones are planned for late October. This decision was made at the last meeting of the EENCE Coordination Board members and country coordinators of the Caravan on June 08.
Trainings, discussions and other events of the Caravan will take place in small towns and villages in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland. Caravan events in Lithuania and Poland will be organized for the citizens of Belarus and Ukraine who had to leave their countries because of the repressions and war.
Preliminary timeline of the Caravan
Караван гражданского образованияWhat is Caravan of citizenship education?
CE Caravan 2023 aims to support citizenship education providers in the Eastern Partnership region who actively work on the development of promoting and defending the values of democracy.
The CE Caravan also aims to show the diversity of formats and topics by reaching different target groups, stakeholders. Respect to diversity and the beliefs of others, ability to engage in a dialogue are the foundation of democratic values that form a peaceful society capable of protecting its values against the threat of autocracy and dictatorship.
The CE Caravan is the initiative of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education.
It’s anticipated that the initiative will be supported by the Agency for Civic Education and the German Foreign Office.
How will Caravan be implemented?
During 5-8 days international teams of the experts (approximately 10 persons in each) will visit 3-4 cities in every country where they conduct an average 15 events for local population and activists on various topics of citizenship education based on specific needs in each country.