Promoting human rights values through the introduction of HRBA into citizenship education curricula
This is the idea behind another project that was recently one of the winners of a competition of ideas for citizenship education organised by EENCE. The project leader (name withheld for security reasons) tells us more about what will happen in the framework of the project.
Why is this idea relevant now?
The promotion of human rights values in citizenship education in the region has been ineffective due to the influence of communist values and educational culture. This is manifested in the non-acceptance of the concept of human rights by educators, their inability to build a direct link between reality and the values they broadcast in their professional activities. An additional barrier is the constant risk of repression, the fragility of democratic institutions and weak civic participation.
The stagnation of human rights education in the region and the lack of development in this area is evidenced by numerous studies, including those on the needs of civil society.
Therefore, our project aims to increase the quality level of perception of human rights values by people participating in civic and additional education programmes.
The project includes a course on the promotion of human rights values in training programmes. There will be 6 webinars, which will be led by a guest expert and a moderator. The project team consists of specialists from different fields of education related to the development of a human rights-based approach as a tool for modernising their and their auditors’ educational programmes.
How do you see the results of the project?
We plan to create a community of at least 100 educators working in the field of human rights education. To support the community, an online platform and a group for information exchange in one of the messengers will be created.
I also hope that at least 180 people will participate in our webinars and increase their competencies in planning and conducting programmes related to the promotion of human rights.
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