Title of Program

Development of projects to promote democratic change through culture

Expected results of the Program

The manual covers the following topics:

Culture and Democracy. Cultural Animators
Planning a project to promote democracy through culture: a step-by-step guide
Problem situation, causes of the problem in the context of culture and democracy
Formulation of project goals and objectives
Description of the main activities of the project
Project budget. Cost planning based on the envisaged activities
Project evaluation plan. Quantitative and qualitative indicators
Organisation of project promotion
Brief overview of donor programmes

Expected results of the Program

advanced training of cultural animators and media experts from the Eastern Partnership countries in the development of projects and educational programs to promote democratic change through culture.

Program Form

Program target group

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Program topic

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Program Country

Program language/languages


Extra info about Program


Program organizer

Network for Civic Education in Eastern Europe EENCE



EENCE Summit 2019

In order to enhance sustainability of civil society in the Eastern Europe with an improved operational environment and amplified linkages to civic education the EENCE Summit 2019 was held in Batumi, Georgia on October 4-6, 2019.

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