Title of Program

Planning and implementation of civic education programs

Expected results of the Program

The publication consists of a description of methods of conducting classes that can be used in preparing training for trainers and managers involved in civic education.

Readers of the manual will find tips on how to plan curriculum content and formulate realistic learning goals, how to assess the experience of participants and their needs, choose adequate teaching methods, deal with difficult situations that may arise during training, calculate the cost of a training program, and much more. useful information.

Expected results of the Program

expand the possibilities of using training methods that can be used in preparing training for trainers and managers involved in civic education

Program Form

Program target group

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Program topic

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Extra info about Program


Program organizer

Network for Civic Education in Eastern Europe EENCE



EENCE Summit 2019

In order to enhance sustainability of civil society in the Eastern Europe with an improved operational environment and amplified linkages to civic education the EENCE Summit 2019 was held in Batumi, Georgia on October 4-6, 2019.

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