Title of Program

Introduction to Human Rights

Expected results of the Program

1. More confidently master the content of human rights (concepts, history and philosophy, standards, tools and mechanisms, modern challenges in the field of human rights, types of actions in defense of human rights) – competence “about human rights”
2. Master modern methods of protecting human rights, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and non-discrimination in the classroom – competence “through human rights”
3. Accept the importance of actions in defense of human rights and plan their application in their educational activities – the competence “for the sake of human rights”

Expected results of the Program

participants will improve their qualifications in the course topics and will be able to introduce human rights aspects into their educational activities

Program Form

Program target group

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Program topic


Program Country

Program language/languages

Extra info about Program


Program organizer

Network for Civic Education in Eastern Europe EENCE



EENCE Summit 2019

In order to enhance sustainability of civil society in the Eastern Europe with an improved operational environment and amplified linkages to civic education the EENCE Summit 2019 was held in Batumi, Georgia on October 4-6, 2019.

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