Title of Program

Virtual School of Civic Education

Expected results of the Program

The school was aimed at solving the following problems:

– To develop in teachers/educators the competencies necessary to develop and implement civic education programs for various target groups.
– To familiarize School participants with specific practical tools and methods of work that can be used in civic education programs.
– Develop concepts for at least 6 new civic education programs, which will then be implemented in different regions of Belarus.

At the end of the School, participants know:

– conceptual foundations of civic education (what it is, the functions of civic education, what the political system is and how it functions,
– who is a citizen and how can he influence the political system,
– what competencies does he need for this?
– what is democracy, human rights, human rights-based approach, civil society, civic participation, etc.)
– how to develop your own civic education program (identify participants, goals and content, teaching methods, based on the existing framework conditions)
– how to evaluate the effectiveness of civic education programs
basics of program management in the field of civic education (PR, ensuring accessibility and other aspects)
– civic education organizations and their programs
– history of civil society programs in Belarus and the world (what are the benefits/effects of these programs)

School participants can:
– plan the content of your own civic education programs
– base the description of their civic education programs on a human rights-based approach.
– include various aspects of civic education in the content of other educational programs of their organizations/initiatives
– evaluate programs in the field of civil defense

The program was implemented in 2021 and consisted of 14 training modules (online classes for 2 hours), as well as completing assignments on a remote platform on Moodle.

Expected results of the Program

Increasing the number and improving the quality of civic education programs by improving the qualifications of teachers/educators working/planning to work in this area.

Program Form

Program target group


Program topic

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Program Country

Program language/languages

Extra info about Program

Program organizer

Vitaut Rudnik, Lana Rudnik, Sergei Salei



EENCE Summit 2019

In order to enhance sustainability of civil society in the Eastern Europe with an improved operational environment and amplified linkages to civic education the EENCE Summit 2019 was held in Batumi, Georgia on October 4-6, 2019.

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