4 EENCE:Club: Discussed ecosystems and environmental sustainability
Citizenship Education for SDG Goal 13: Climate Action – this became the main topic of discussion. The aim of the EENCE Club 4 was Climate change that is a global challenge which affects everyone and everywhere.
The panel was structured to tackle three outlines of the Climate Action: policies and data, communities and personal levels.
The working process was based on the interactive and collaborative discussion, engaging public via slido polls and encouraging inclusion of all speakers.
Multiple shared experiences was the added value since speakers come from the practical field.
The speakers shared their valuable and direct experience from their point of view on this topic.
They were Nathalie Töpperwien Blom (Sweden), Dr. Nelya Rakhimova (Russia), Valeria Șvarț-Gröger (Moldova); moderator: PhD Viorica Olaru-Cemirtan( Sweden/Moldova).
The discussion focused on environmental sustainability, which is the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to maintain health and well-being now and in the future.
Currently, there is a lot of evidence that climate change is a global problem that affects everyone and everywhere.
The moderator Viorica Olaru-Cemirtan( Sweden/Moldova) shared her impressions:
It was a mindful and insightful panel discussion. We had three guest speakers that shared with us their genuine grass-root experience from Sweden, Russia and Moldova and I realized that there are diverse visions, various resources, multiple tools, polyvalent competencies and great goals, in our way to protect earth and ecosystems for the benefit of our present and future generations, to ensure environmental sustainability in a smart way. It is not an easy task, but gradually, with little changes in daily routine, we can achieve bigger impact. The greatest ideas are the simplest!
EENCE:Club’s aimed at promoting democratic development and civic education through the creation of a platform for public debates and the exchange of experience. The project topics focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The project is supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.
See also:
Summer and autumn promise to be hot: see how much is planned within the framework of EENCE
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