Civil education in conflict territories: we invite you to the 5th EENCE:Club!
Experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine will share their views on the topic “Civil education for SDGs N16. Civil education in conflict territories: difficulties and opportunities”.
The discussion will take place on August 7, 2021 at 12.00 (CEST).
Working language: Russion.
Register here.
No century in the history of mankind has been without territorial conflicts in the world.
At the same time, such conflicts have many negative consequences: the death of people, the emergence of refugees and internally displaced persons, the destruction of homes and infrastructure facilities, the devaluation of international treaties and law in general, the creation of an image of an enemy from certain social groups, etc.
Civic education is generally understood as a process of forming skills, knowledge and values that promotes active and responsible participation in public life.
Because of its vastness and effectiveness, it can be used by different parties and groups involved in the conflict: both for the purpose of achieving democratic transformations, and for the purpose of ideological propaganda directed against the principles of democracy and human rights.
During the discussion, the participants will consider the current situation in the Transnistrian region, in Nagorno-Karabakh, in the Crimea and in the East of Ukraine, as well as discuss the possibilities of education in overcoming the consequences of conflicts.

Aleksandra Matveychuk (Ukraine)
Chairman of the Board of the Center for Civil Liberties.

Alexandru Postica (Moldova)
Director of The Human Rights Program of the Promo LEX Association.

Dilara Efendieva (Azerbaijan)
Director of the Civil Platform for Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Edgar Elbakyan (Armenia)
Political scientist, Junior Researcher at the Center for Strategic Studies of the Yerevan State Institute.

Moderator Nazariy Boyarsky (Ukraine)
Human rights defender, coach of non-formal education, coordinator of the working group “Civil Education in territorial conflict zones” of the Civil Education Network in Eastern Europe (EENCE).

Responsible Project Manager Narine Teknedjian (Armenia)
Member of the EENCE Coordinating Council.
EENCE:Club’s aimed at promoting democratic development and civic education through the creation of a platform for public debates and the exchange of experience. The project topics focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The project is supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.
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