EENCE:Club-8: how can social entrepreneurship contribute to the development of civic engagement
Citizenship education for SDG N17 (Social entrepreneurship and partnership with traditional enterprises): From theory to practice – this is the name of the next meeting, which will be held on October 2 within the framework of EENCE:Club.
Experts from Denmark, Georgia, and Azerbaijan will take part in the discussion.
Working language: English
The meeting starts on October 2, 12:00 (CEST).
The participants of the discussion will talk about the role of social entrepreneurship in society.
In different countries, social entrepreneurship is still a new concept, but it is being developed and considered as a tool for making a positive social impact on society and the environment as a whole.
In addition, social entrepreneurship and its partnerships with the private sector can be vital for achieving the SDGs by 2030.
Our speakers will talk about how this can be achieved:
Per Bach (Denmark).
Chairman of SocialeEntreprenøreri Danmark – Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark. Per has been the head of the organization of social entrepreneurs in Denmark since 2010. He received a Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship (MSE) from the University of Roskilde. It has been working with both social, environmental and economic sustainability for 20 years.
George Chanturia (Georgia).
Teacher of civic education, project manager of the Social Innovation Platform. With more than 10 years of professional experience, George Chanturia has extensive experience in the field of educational policy, research and management.
Since 2019, he has been teaching civic education in both public and private schools. Since 2020, he has been the project manager of the Social Innovation Platform. It is focused on supporting young people responsible for social change in Georgia to launch and initiate innovative and sustainable solutions.
Gulnara Ismailova (Azerbaijan).
Social entrepreneur, co-founder of Education HUB in Azerbaijan.
Gulnara has extensive international experience in developing social programs, promoting civic education and coaching. She is firmly convinced that the promotion of social entrepreneurship helps to expand the active participation of young people in the social development of Azerbaijan.
Gulnara actively works in the field of empowerment and development of young women from rural areas of Azerbaijan. Her life motto is “Change begins with you!!!”
Currently she is chair of EENCE Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Working group.
The meeting will be moderated by Salome Kusiani (Georgia).
She is the Executive Director of the Social Entrepreneurship Alliance. Salome has a Master’s degree in organizational development and consulting, five years of experience in the civil, public and private sectors as a human resources specialist, as well as an organizational development consultant.

EENCE:Club’s aimed at promoting democratic development and civic education through the creation of a platform for public debates and the exchange of experience. The project topics focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The project is supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb) using funds appropriated by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.
See also:
How art can make life in cities better? The second discussion EENCE:Club took place
Art as a tool of public influence: the third meeting EENCE:Club took place
4 EENCE:Club: Discussed ecosystems and environmental sustainability
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