Title of Program

Sexual and reproductive health and rights for teachers

Expected results of the Program

Association “HERA XXI” together with the National Center for Professional Development of Teachers conducted a survey of teachers’ attitudes towards the teaching of reproductive health and rights issues, where it was revealed that the majority of teachers – 95% believe that teachers need to raise awareness of reproductive and sexual health and on the methods of teaching rights issues. (Research of teachers’ attitudes towards teaching reproductive health and rights issues, 2018) It is for this purpose that the association has developed an accredited course for teachers, after completing which teachers receive 30 credits.
In order to register for the teacher’s course, the person who wants to undergo training applies to the school director and the school director writes to the director of the National Center for Professional Development of Teachers of the National Institute of Education through the e-flow system.

Expected results of the Program

To provide teachers with correct and competent information about sexual and reproductive health in order to be able to integrate these topics in the educational space

Program Form

Program target group

Program topic

Program Country

Program language/languages

Extra info about Program

The course is placed on the edx platform, see the link-https://edx.emis.ge/courses/course-v1:HERA+HR1+2023_G1/about

Program organizer

Association ,,HERA XXI"



EENCE Summit 2019

In order to enhance sustainability of civil society in the Eastern Europe with an improved operational environment and amplified linkages to civic education the EENCE Summit 2019 was held in Batumi, Georgia on October 4-6, 2019.

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